What is CNH?
Carbon Negative Hydrogen (CNH) is the production of Hydrogen permanently removing more atmospheric carbon than it emits during its production.

HyViz utilizes proven industrial-scale gasifiers to produce pure, clean, and renewable syngas from biomass waste.
The process utilized by HyViz contains syngas with high Hydrogen content. The syngas is purified before separating the Hydrogen, ready for consumption in mobility, fuel, or even for blending in Natural Gas pipeline.
The end result is the production of green hydrogen with as much as 10 kg of carbon removed for every 1 kg of hydrogen produced (Carbon Negative) in a financially viable manner.
Greener than Green

Energy Efficient
4 times less than electrolysis needs
Distributed Hydrogen
No transport pollution, no transport cost
Carbon Negative
Remove as much as 10 kg of CO2e per 1 kg of Hydrogen
Solve Waste Problem
Disposal and management of biomass waste.What is Regenerative?
- Sustainable practices seek to maintain systems without degrading them.
- Regenerative practices recognize how natural systems are currently impacted and apply techniques to restore systems to improved productivity.
Green Hydrogen
Carbon Negative Hydrogen (CNH)